Opioid Stewardship

Opioid Stewardship and Resources

OHA leverages clinical expertise and data from a variety of sources to provide training and best practices for Ohio hospitals regarding opioid stewardship.

OHA’s Board of Trustees in 2017 added opioid response to OHA’s statewide clinical initiatives in response to the state and national impact of opioid addictions. Ohio hospitals are on the forefront of collaborations focusing on medication safety, partnering with community resources and promoting best practices for opioid stewardship.


Provider Resources – Trainings

The Drug Enforcement Administration on Feb. 24 released proposed rules for prescribing controlled substances, including buprenorphine via telemedicine after the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency expires.

OHA Opioid Webinar Series

OHA presented a webinar series of effective practices around opioid prescribing identified through medical literature, national comparisons and internal analysis of the OHA opioid data collaborative members. OHA’s opioid webinar series was provided by Coverys Community Healthcare Foundation’s Educating Ohio’s Prescribers.